Mechanism of action of AURYXIA
Watch this video and see how AURYXIA, an oral iron tablet, works in adult patients.
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Chronic kidney disease, CKD, is characterized by a gradual loss of kidney function, causing insufficient synthesis of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates red blood cell (RBC) production and a lack of which causes anemia.1 Iron deficiency also causes anemia in CKD patients.1
AURYXIA is a unique formulation of ferric citrate coordination complexes that treats iron deficiency anemia in adults with CKD not receiving dialysis.2-4
Upon swallowing AURYXIA, ferric iron is converted to ferrous iron by the enzyme ferric reductase in the gastrointestinal tract, where the molecules are absorbed in the same highly regulated physiological pathway as dietary iron.2,3,5 In the bloodstream, ferrous iron is oxidized back to ferric iron, which binds to transferrin, an iron transfer protein that transports iron to the bone marrow for incorporation into hemoglobin for RBC production.2,3,5
AURYXIA treats iron deficiency anemia in non-dialysis patients with CKD.2,3
How AURYXIA works to treat iron deficiency anemia
AURYXIA is a unique formulation of ferric citrate coordination complexes that treats iron deficiency anemia in adults with CKD not receiving dialysis.2-4
Ferric iron is converted to ferrous iron by the enzyme ferric reductase in the gastrointestinal tract2,3
The molecules are absorbed in the same highly regulated physiological pathway as dietary iron2,3
In the bloodstream, ferrous iron is oxidized back to ferric iron, which binds to transferrin2,3
Transferrin transports iron to the bone marrow for incorporation into hemoglobin for red blood cell production2,3
CKD=chronic kidney disease.

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